Our inquest transcription service is used by interested parties, including solicitors and coroners. It helps when there are unanswered questions about a death. Having evidence given at an inquest in writing clarifies the facts. It is especially useful when litigation is likely, following a coroner’s findings.
Verbatim audio transcription prepared by our specialists is invaluable. It helps those constructing a case or seeking a second inquest. It comes in a court-ready format, saving busy legal professionals’ time. Our inquest transcription is often used when a death is found to be suspicious. It is also used if a death is the result of negligence. Exact transcripts of recorded inquest hearings give you a clear picture.
Our transcripts play a vital role in getting to the truth if there is any ambiguity. Inquest transcription provides legal and other professionals with total clarity. It is often pivotal to the decision-making process. And it helps coroners if they need to assess audio content for sensitive information. Many medical professionals can be called upon to give their evidence. This all has to be documented and transcribed, with everything being correct. No phonetic spellings should be allowed in inquest transcription.
Coroners use our inquest transcription service. This is because they have a duty to ensure nobody is put in danger as a result of evidence given during an inquest hearing. They are also required to be mindful of national security. Sometimes, this means they need to omit certain information from a file before it is seen by others. In these cases, a transcription of recorded hearings will be obtained.
Solicitors and other professionals use our expert inquest transcription. They find it a key aid when assessing the facts following a death. It could be that clinical negligence is suspected or a person has died as a result of gross negligence. Occasionally, an individual or organisation may be at fault. Sometimes, the deceased’s loved ones need a better understanding of why a person has died.
In rare circumstances, loved ones may not agree with a coroner’s findings. They may seek a second inquest, which will require a legal approach and transcriptions. Our verbatim inquest transcription is transcribed word-for-word, including all utterances. It is supplied in a court-ready format to help speed up decisions and legal proceedings.
“We guarantee accuracy by using our own professional proof readers to double-check every document.”
We have been transcribing audio files of inquest hearings for more than 20 years. This in-demand service means we have invested our time in researching phrases likely to be used during inquests. Alphabet Transcription Specialists understands the sensitive nature of this work.
All our transcribers have excellent listening skills. They can decipher what is being said, even if the speaker is emotional or there is background noise. We take the time to document every detail, so nothing is missed.
Our clients trust us to produce verbatim transcripts that will aid their work. We guarantee accuracy by using our own professional proof readers to double-check every document. It goes without saying, we also guarantee confidentiality. All files sent or received via our website are encrypted. We use 256-bit encryption for your security.
Accurate transcripts of recorded Q&A sessions, interviews, disciplinary hearings & meetings.
More DetailsConfidential, verbatim legal transcription including court-ready PACE and IUC transcriptions.
More DetailsConfidential, verbatim legal transcription including court-ready PACE and IUC transcriptions.
More DetailsTranscribing keynote speakers, seminars, conferences and events fast and accurately.
More DetailsWe transcribe TV programmes, podcasts, webcasts and press conferences.
More DetailsAlphabet provides fast, accurate speech to text audio transcription services.
More DetailsHere are answers to our most frequently asked questions about Alphabet’s UK transcription services.
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