Our confidential securities transcription service captures every word, when required. We document those words exactly how they are spoken. This ensures your sound files are transcribed to a standard fit for legal purposes, should the need arise. Alphabet’s securities transcription specialists deal with recorded meetings between multiple parties.
All our securities transcribers carry out research before starting a new project. This helps them stay up to date with phrases and acronyms used in your sector. Our high-quality research sets us apart from competitors. Because we insist on accuracy, all transcriptions are checked by individual proofreaders. We are the preferred provider of securities transcription services because we save our clients’ time. Project management is included as standard.
Considering enlisting the help of our UK securities transcription services? We work with digital audio files in a wide range of formats including MP3, WAV and Windows Media. Our online portal benefits from military grade encryption. We have invested in this high level of security to protect your data as it looks after both your files and correspondence.